Page name: Fake Goths [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: then tell me, what is goth? 

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: i am a goth i already said that.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: we KNOW, but what is goth and why should you be worthy of the title?

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yes. You say that you are a goth. So defend your title.. what is a goth?

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i don't think she's going to answer...

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: neither do I... obviously a "fake" Or she is so adamant about her position on the topic of goth that she doenst think she needs to answer us.. which, in all honesty, she doesnt have to, but I just find it annoying when people claim to be something they so obviously are not.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: I am a goth because they are better than preps!!!!!!! duh and how should i kno the TRUE meaning of goth no1 does even you !! u just say wut you look up and you arnnt gothc!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: yes, if she was truly goth, i don't think she'd be flaunting it as much. people should try to be themselves... that's what i do.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: ya RIET you are emo!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: emo? that's not true!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: what makes me emo? *raises eyebrow*

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: that's what I do. I've been grouped as "goth" "emo" even "prep" sometimes.. it's just how I act. I'm myself. I love the true gothic culture of the socialites in the 1800's, and the beautification of love and music and darkness, but to try that in this day and age would just be suicide... Anyway, your answer is completely implausible [xxxtrue-gothxxx]. To conform to a media based culture simply because you dont like the way certain people (who you associate as "preps") act towards you is ... well, stupid. That's all.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: look at yer pic you are sOOOOOO emo!

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Ouch. My eyes.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: I'm curious too... what makes a person "emo"? I've definitely been grouped there, and I cant say I disaggree sometimes, but seriously.. what is emo?

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: mebbe u r not emo but emos is whcut the wrist!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: bull, if my pic was emo is would be staring the camera in a fornlorn way with glasses on- not dancing like i am in that picture.

2005-08-24 [Falx]: If you are a true goth, then why do you feel like you have to defend yourself to a bunch of people whom you don't even know? I would think, maybe, you could be mature enough to realize that if they don't agree with you, that's their perogative and move on with your life.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: [Falx] is right.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: a picture makes him emo? personally that picture looks more "prep" than emo.. It's a nice picture, yes, but not emo.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: HAHAHAHAHA.. that last comment absolutely proves that she doesnt know what she's talking about. Cutting is NOT emo. Cutting is what the media shows as emo because it's the intense emotion and the type of person in the movie that does it. Cutting is an act of DEPRESSION, not Emotion...

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i don't have title.... too much diversity in my personality. but i dress preppy sometimes- university kid.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: whhhhaaa! you are him! I thought you wrer a gurl.. the hair is emo!

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: This is giving me more enjoyment than I've had all week. I think emo is a new kind of label that's sprung up nowadays, associated with being depressed and cutting your wrists and all that. It used to be goths into that. Now emo has risen up.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: oooo shut up [Falx]!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: okay, so i have emo hair... that doesn't make me emo. and you're just mad at [Falx] because he's right.

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Amazing comeback.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Fratboy is one of the only dress I will not participate in. But I know what you mean.. I'm teh same way. The closest I could group myself with is "dont-give-a-fuck" or maybe... emo.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: know i am mad at him because he knows nouhtin!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Love people arguing. ^^ People are talking without waiting for my comment >< Im' so out of the loop sometimes

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Or perhaps you are mad at me, because I have a firmer grasp of the English language than you do.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i'm not a frat boy. i couldn't keep up with that. and it wasn't a comeback, [girl. interrupted.]. just a blatant statement.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: but he knows nothing! besides you r arguing nack why should III not argue huh!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: This is very true. And true-goth, darling.. the fact that you think no one else knows anything only proves more that you, yourself, know nothing.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: *claps*

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: [Zegrapefruitgod], I was talking about [xxxtrue-gothxxx] saying "oooo shut up [Falx]

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: who's clapping for who? o_O

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. *sincere*

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: This is better than chocolate...well, maybe not quite better than chocolate...

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: iam not saying hat you no nothinbg i am saying tha you wer arguin and then tell me nor to argue that is hyprocrism!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i'm clapping for you, [Lost in Illusions]

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yay! I got an applaud ^_^';

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: why you clappin gor him HE is pretenstiosus!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Dear, the word is "hypocrocy." And I never said you had no right to argue. I even tried to get you to say over and over what your opinion is on goth so I could determine whether you actually are sincere.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: Yes, just answer the question; WHAT GIVE TO THE RIGHT TO BARE THE TITLE 'GOTH'?

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: my opinion on gothic is that if you are goth you ar goth why should ther be nothin else!

2005-08-24 [Falx]: I didn't argue. I simply asked you a question [xxxtrue-gothxxx].

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: oh my god... there is no getting through to this person!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: ahh a goyh is shen you are a goth and nothin els.e

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: I ask because you mentioned that all emo is, is a haircut and depressed people cutting. You also mentioned that you claim that you are goth because being that way is "better than preps ! ! ! ! ! ! " If you actually gave me a fairly reasonable argument on what you think goth is and why you claim to be then I would leave you alone, even if it is completely misguided.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i have no bloody idea what you just said, [xxxtrue-gothxxx]!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: ya well maybe if you were less stupide i would leave YOU! alone

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: I'M less stupid?! don't even get me started, bitch! You say preps have no outlook on real life?

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Yes, please clarify exactly what a "goyh" is.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: "If you were less stupid, I'd leave you alone" Hmmmm.. question for everyone: Have I said anything tonight to make myself seem as stupid as she thinks I am? And to you, ms. true-goth: "if you are goth, you are goth and nothing else" This makes no sense. You would have to become goth to be that and nothing else. So answer this.. since you so obviously dont want to answer what goth is, tell me how you came to be goth, since you are so inflexible to being anything else?

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: i thought the goth people wer coooler so i hung out with them HOW ELSE!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: So then clarify to us what. is. a. goth.?

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: this close, darling! THIS BLOODY CLOSE!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: close 2 what you don't even know where i live lol!

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Oh. Never mind. The translation for that horrible mutilation of the English language was "A goth is when you are a goth and nothing else"

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: *coughHYPOCRISYcough* I'm late. Bah. Pwn her, guys, I have to go to bed now. I HAFTA LIEKE GO IN MA COFFIN NOW!1oneone!!eleven! cuz im gothickz. YAY SATAN. *cough*

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: you dont know where I live hahaha!

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Who was that comment addressed to, Musechick?

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i don't need to know where you live to send a virus to your computer.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: how could you do anything to me if you dont know where i live haha!

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: lol, my beloved "Periods" aka Kristos. It's hipocrisy, not hipocrocy.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: you're stupid, i mean... Really. see you later, guys. shred [xxxtrue-gothxxx], will ya?

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: no you are stupid if you think you could do anything to me when you don't even no where i live!

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: DUUUDE WE CAN USE OUR GOTHIC MIND POWERZZ~ and I so don't no where you live.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i repeat; I DON'T NEED TO KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE TO SEND A VIRUS INTO YOUR COMPUTER! idiot...

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: well, actually, those are two different spellings, but thank you anyway, darling ^^ I've seen it written as hypocrosy (no "c", oops >.>) so that's the spelling I adopted.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: why would u do that

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: HAHAHAH.... you make me smile, [mutant virago]. ^_^ "I so dont no where you live" *cracks up* I want to give up, but I'm extremely curious about what you honestly think goth is, since you claim so adamantly that you are one.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: dont send a viris to me comp plzzzzzzzz

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Please see: offended

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: ^_^ No problem, doll. (Well, we already knew I was awesome, didn't we? XD I kid, I kid.) Heck, even I'm curious!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: why do you think i would do that?! so it could mess up your computer and stop pissing us off!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: what does that ave to do with a comp virus

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: lmao, you make me chortle and chuckle, Ms. True Goth.

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Hypocrocy...never seen that spelling before. Are you sure you just didn't make a spelling mistake, and that you didn't want to admit it?And shut up, Dear Lord------>true goth.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: will some one take her out?

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: Aw, it's fun seeing her squirm and proclaim her gothicknez.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: i thought you wer leavin [Zegrapefruitgod]!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: As I said, hypocrosy (written above with "c") was a misspelling, but I have seen it spelled both "isy" and "osy" and "osy looks better to me, so I adopted that one. Anyway.. I simply asked a question. This always happens: Ask a simple question and it turns into a 10 page argument.. *le'sigh* Yet, I love it, so I dont complain ^_^;;

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i changed my mind, i'm staying on for a little while longer.

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: I gotta give her mad props: "noitijn" is the most original spelling of 'nothing' I've EVER seen!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: and why don't you just answer the question?!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: Oh okay then. well u guys r dum because i am a goth why should i hav eto xplain this is boring!

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: [xxxtrue-gothxxx], pourquoi est-ce que tu fais ca? Tu es un mauvais personne est tu dois etre attaquer avec un marteau!!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: is dat french or soething?

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: qualcuno la uccide, prego...

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: You know, I never asked you to defend your stance that you are a goth.. I simply asked what you think one is. I mean, I have opinions of all sorts of subcultures but I'm not one of them.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: a i am confuse.

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: no. it's dijon.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: je peux parler le français, mais pas Dijon.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: i dont know what i think one is! Gee is said that already and periofs dont make eveythin cooler.

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: THEY DO. Don't mess with ma PERIOFS, yo!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: il est étrange... elle parle anglais, mais je n'ai aucune idée ce qu'elle dit.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: sorry, i'll stop now.

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Dude, it's a username. Get over it.

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Est-ce que t'as pris l'immersion francaise, [Zegrapefruitgod]?

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: what's a username?

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: C'est quoi le Dijon?

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: je suis désolé?

2005-08-24 [Falx]: That comment was directed at true-goth. A username is the name you use here at elftown. Kind of like an alias.

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Bonjour..j'ai retourner! Oui, tu as un point! Elle ne peux pas parler l'anglais, mais elle continue de penser qu'elle fait un point. C'est triste, vraiment.

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: Je parle un petit, PETIT peu. Meh. But I must be off. Au revoir, mes amies!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: aaaaaaaaaach! >< NON FRANCAIS! Je parle espanol! ><

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: y en a-t-il qui parle italien?

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Haha, moi a ma soeur,[girl. interrupted.] etait dans le programme d'immersion francaise depuis que nous etaient....umm...4?

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Je dois partir, mes amies--bonne nuit!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: u guys SUUCK!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: hablo un poco español.... but aren't we getting off subject?!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: y voy ir porque no comprende nada! ><

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: yeah the subject that u suck!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Wow. So intelligent. I personally would like to get off this topic if this girl is not going to tell me what is a goth..

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: "true goth", YOU are the subject. and just because you cannot expand your mind enough to learn the english language correctly, let alone any foreign languages, that doesn't mean that we suck. it's just means that you're a moron!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]:   >_<!!!!

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Je ne parle pas espagnol, mais j'y comprend cela. (Ce que [Lost in Illusions] a dit.

2005-08-24 [girl. interrupted.]: J'ai besoin de partir aussi. Bon nuit!

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Come now, true-goth. I'm sure you can come up with a more intelligent insult than that without causing your brain cells to implode.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: i a moron?? ha ha YOU are th ones who made up a wiki devoted ta fake gots!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: au revoir! vous parler gentil!

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i didn't make this wiki. and anyway, the people who made this wiki aren't morons! at least they can put 'm's on the ends of their 'am's!

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: you guys suck bye i am leaving can not listen to this stupidity anymore!

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Oh, now... Someone didn't READ the wiki. If she had, she would realize that this wiki is not devoted to people who ARE fake goths, but rather to people who do not wish to see their subculture wrongfully popularized as satan-worshiping, anarchy loving haters.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: *le'sigh* This wiki is just a place to laugh at the generalization that goth is only what the media says it is.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: 'this stupidity'? jesus... damn she's leaving... spoiled the fun, that did!

2005-08-24 [Falx]: Well, I am off to bed. I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Or this morning rather... It's past midnight now...^_^ Good night all.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: darn. Oh well.. entertaining for the time being... AND I got one of those cool "defending common sense" badges ^_^

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: hoo-rah!

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yes.. I'm quite proud of it, though it's no big deal... I'm just doing the same thing I've been doing for a long while, though it's good to finally be recognized for it. :)

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: Yeah... We love this wiki for da fake gots. Sad she left. She was amusing. You have to love how she finished the whole thing, though. "Turned" it on us.

2005-08-24 [Avoral]: Ha. She said you guys suck. Take that.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: I already know I suck. Like I need some little faking cunt to tell me the obvious.


2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yes. I am deviant. Any more obvious observations you'd like to make?

2005-08-24 [Avoral]: ...You have slashes in your name?


2005-08-24 [Spanakopida]: O: buuurn

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: *raises eyebrow* [Avoral], are you some kind of backup for [xxxtrue-gothxxx]?

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: He was joking...

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: [Avoral] is the original pwn master. All of my skills, I learned from him ^^ yes, I have slashes... I'm infiltrating the "emo:" crowd... soon, they will learn my plan... soon... *shifty eyes*

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Naw, they'll probably just be like 'whoa! he's sooo emo!' Which will make revenge all the sweeter...

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: as I said.. they will all soon see my plan in action... I WANT them to associate me with it. *grinnage*

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: So what do you plan to do when they assosciate you with it?

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: er... I'm not sure yet.. but when I am.. THEY WILL SEE!! ><

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Whoa, need to get fanatic.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: hehe... you should know by now, or you will learn, that I am a hyperactive person when I get passionate... along with being quite silly. ^^

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Well, I actually haven't ever met you, so I can't say I do...

2005-08-24 [mutant virago]: I can vouch for that, =P. (lmao, I'm so emo... I drew little x's next to my eyes today.)

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: this is me online, not irl... in public, I'm actually somewhat reserved.. unless I'm around my friend Spaz ^^ I heart Spaz.

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: OMG! [mutant virago], like wow, you're like SO emo! The world is hell, isn't it? x./..////xxxx..///\\../x

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: dude... that's so idiotic... HEARTS are the emo thing! ><

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: <3...Pain doesn't hurt...if it's all you've ever felt...</3. How terribly emo of me.

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: No, seriously, I'm SO hard core!..<3

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I have plenty of emotype quotes in my psuedo-intelligence page. I like them. :)

2005-08-25 [mutant virago]: Dude, everything is emo now. XD From hearts to stars to slashes, periods, and x's. And the funny thing is I love all of them, so I could be mistaken for an emo-chick. But then again. That's my masterful plan. damn. and it sounds like yours, Chris!

2005-08-25 [girl. interrupted.]: EMOTASTIC!!!

2005-08-25 [mutant virago]: or \emo.X.tastic/ ! I am lyke so fucking scene.

2005-08-25 [girl. interrupted.]: I hate the poem many people have on their house...'I'll draw you a pretty picture, I'll draw it with a twist. I'll draw it with a razorblade, I'll draw it on my wrist.' Check out [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]. She is so pretentious..

2005-08-25 [girl. interrupted.]: And she's apparently 11...stupid little kid.

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: yay! Another non-fake member ^_^ Welcome.. okay, random phase over. Yeah, that is kind of stupid. I have to admit, as depressed as it, I like the quote "I wrote your name on a bullet, so I could make sure you were the last thing to go through my head" That is a really quite beautiful quote. Anyway, yeah.. fakers... bad. ><

2005-08-25 [Spanakopida]: How many emo kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

2005-08-25 [Zegrapefruitgod]: how many?

2005-08-25 [mutant virago]: Oh my goth, I've read that poem SO. MANY. TIMES. x.x Yeah, she's 12. Aw, I won't bash her. I didn't see anything too bad in her house. Plus judging only on age = bad. I've tried to stop doing it.

2005-08-25 [Zegrapefruitgod]: her age doesn't matter, but her attitude does. from her 'hate list', she seems like a pretty unpleasant person.

2005-08-25 [Spanakopida]: NONE! they just sit in the dark and cry. (:

2005-08-25 [mutant virago]: (lol @ lightbulb joke) Actually her hate list has a lot of things I hate as well. The "musique" bit annoys me, but aside from that, who doesn't hate racists, homophobes, abusers, annoying people, & ignorance?

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: people who are at least one of those things? You knwo what I really hate? People who hate others for intolerance or discrimination, but they discriminate against people, themselves. These anti-anti wikis are so... very much annoying.

2005-08-25 [mutant virago]: =P Indeed. I give everyone a fair chance to explain and support their opinion, then I make a decision based on that. Another thing I honestly don't get. People hating colors. FUCKING COLORS! I mean, honestly.

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah.. I dont get that. I can understand them not liking a certain group of people that all happen to be a certain color because of the way they act, but just because you dont like the color "brown" I mean... stupid much?

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: I think that she made a good point about the pretty thing. So good, in fact, that I shall write a song. I AM BEAUTIFUL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAAAAAY, WORDS WON'T BRING ME DOOOOOWN! I AM BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, SO DON'T YOU BRING ME DOWN TODAAAAAAAAAYYYY.... Oh, wait..I think someone already did that.. Christina something? But seriously, I think she made a good point there.

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: Christina Aguilera >< I heart her... she's my idol.

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: I love her blues singing! She has a great voice, too....I thought her song 'Derrty' was retarded, though. It was like her and Britany Spears were in this battle of who could be the sluttiest.

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: well, at least she's versitile, unlike that blonde cunt. She's strives to be different and I love that. Hence why she's my idol.

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: Yeah, she does. Plus she has an awesome voice, as I said before!

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: yes... very much so.. I heart her like woah.

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: Heh Heh..well, as gripping as this is, I am afarid I must see yahs.

2005-08-25 [Zegrapefruitgod]: christina aguilera is alright, i don't really listen to her that much... but she's better than brittany spears....

2005-08-25 [Spanakopida]: It also bothers me when people hate colours. Mainly pink. Mainly because they don't actually hate the colour, just the stereotype that goes along with the colour.

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont get that, eitther... I dont like rainbows and I rarely wear them because of the stigma that goes along with a male wearing them.. but I dont hate a color because of that. I just wont wear that color most of the time, but I still have hot pink and a few rainbows in my closet.. I just hate going out and automatically be labeled as something because I wear it.

2005-08-25 [Spanakopida]: but to feel the need to delare your hate for a colour? That's just really dumb.

2005-08-25 [Lost in Illusions]: yep. That's what I'm saying.

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: I know! Like the anti-pink army...what is the point in that? It's not like it makes them seem any cooler because they hate pink...they also state that if you like pink you can fuck off and not comment!

2005-08-25 [Spanakopida]: You should go to the pro-pink army instead. Because it's better. It will always be better.

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: Precisely! I mean there's NO point in hating a colour..really...hmm, now that wouldn't be PROPOGANDA, now would it? ^^


2005-08-25 [AbLam]: Aww..okay then. Heh Heh Heh...

2005-08-25 [girl. interrupted.]: Well, I belong to the pro-pink army, so I can't exactly comment about hating or liking colours...

2005-08-25 [AbLam]: We're talking about hating colours, which is stupid and pointless!

2005-08-26 [Spanakopida]: ...I own the pro-pink army. You can comment all you want.

2005-08-26 [AbLam]: I guessed that =) You propagandinizer, you!

2005-08-26 [Spanakopida]: SHHHHH. You're soiling my good name O:

2005-08-26 [AbLam]: Ohhh....sorry..*shifty eyes*

2005-08-26 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: You guys suck.

2005-08-26 [AbLam]: Didn't you leave?

2005-08-26 [mutant virago]: Apparently not. She didn't already tell us we sucked enough. haha, [Tyla!] can tell you how much I suck, Ms. True Goth, so I can't say you're lying there.

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